Unity Tutorial 9

Week 10 Unity Tutorial 09 In this week's tutorials, we learned quite a decent amount of new materials, As these weeks progress they have been getting longer and more complex, this makes sense because we have been doing this for weeks now but since they're getting harder they are taking longer to complete. I found this week's tutorials to be very interesting and would be very valuable to use in my game project. This was the first time I've worked with UI in Unity and it's actually not as bad as I first thought. UI in games is crucial and needs to be done. We also learned how to use the GameManager Script for the first time, this was really helpful with linking a bunch of code and actions together as well as writing the code for the "Restart" and the "Game Over" texts The GameManager acts like the mind of the game and all the game objects are added to this, I feel that there needs to be a GameManager script in every project to make things clear, ...