Unity Tutorial 9

 Week 10

Unity Tutorial 09

In this week's tutorials, we learned quite a decent amount of new materials, As these weeks progress they have been getting longer and more complex, this makes sense because we have been doing this for weeks now but since they're getting harder they are taking longer to complete. 
I found this week's tutorials to be very interesting and would be very valuable to use in my game project. This was the first time I've worked with UI in Unity and it's actually not as bad as I first thought. UI in games is crucial and needs to be done.

We also learned how to use the GameManager Script for the first time, this was really helpful with linking a bunch of code and actions together as well as writing the code for the "Restart" and the "Game Over" texts

The GameManager acts like the mind of the game and all the game objects are added to this, I feel that there needs to be a GameManager script in every project to make things clear, having one of these makes it easier to keep track of my prefabs and the texts. 
The reason that the GameManager script has its own sprite is that it's such a popular script that people make, so much that it is its own thing now.

The way we were able to get the boxes the bounce up was using the same thing we did for the man jumping and that was "AddForce" and "ForceMode.Impulse". something that made it different this time was the way the boxes were spinning in the air, this was done using this new technique called torque and adding torque values. Torque was an interesting addition to this because it made it look like someone was throwing them into the air giving this some sort of realism.

Through applying script in the GameManager I was able to get a game over screen working when the "Good Items" would fall to the ground meaning that you missed them. Once this "Game Over" presents itself there is a "Restart" button that appears under it and this will allow you to restart the game from the game instead of using Unity to do this.

The only thing that I had trouble with in this week's tasks was the restart button, every time I got to restart my game using the button the screen would become really dark I have no clue how this would have happened and I couldn't find a solution to this.
Other than that this task was pretty fun and I'm looking forward to implementing something like this into my main game.


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