Introduction Blog

 Week 02

Introduction To Adam Elder

Hi, my name is Adam Elder, I am nineteen years old and I am part of CDM at TUD Blanchardstown. 

I love to play sports, video games, watch movies, and make new friends I also love to listen to music. 
I have a family that is all into taekwondo and all of us do it. I've been doing it since I was 11. Being a part of RiverValley Taekwondo has made me the person I am today. That club has taught me so much about how I treat and interact with people and has made me disciplined in the things I do outside taekwondo as well. the people who have coached me and the people I trained with have been almost like family and when we do competitions we cheer and support each other like one.

This image was taken outside the stadium in Inzel Germany for the World Championships in 2019 Where I represented Ireland the atmosphere was amazing and the supporters made the stadium come to life. It was a phenomenal experience and I can't for the next tournament.

I love to draw and do art in my spare time too, I find it relaxing and very rewarding when the piece is done, I like to draw my favorite characters such as Sonic, Spider-Man, Batman and many more.

Here is one pencil drawing that I did of Batman I love the shading that you can do with pencils and it fits the dark black and white version of batman. This piece was drawn out of inspiration from one of my favorite game series called The Arkham collection. I love the character modeling of the characters and it really gives batman that real-world look.

I still play football for the most part, not as much as I used to but I still enjoy it very much, the reason that I gave it up was because of taekwondo, at the time it was really hard to play both while doing exams in school but every once in a while I'd go to the park with my mates and we'll have a kick about.
I Love the freestyle aspect of football because of the amount of skill and different tricks you wouldn't usually see in the regular game. 

These skills called freestyling are chaining multiple skills whilst keeping the ball up in the air.  


  1. Hey Luke,

    Just wanted to say hello. You're from Rivervalley too? Thats gas. I used to do Taekwondo back in the day I wonder if someone in your family thought me. That sketch you did of batman is so impressive. You've a real talent. See you on campus or even around Swords!


    1. Read his whole post and got his name wrong :(

    2. hahaha Luke on the brain, sorry Adam I posted this very late at night. Please forgive!

  2. Hi Adam, What is your number one sport to play ? Taekwondo sounds very interesting and it probably requires a lot of skills. The drawing of the bat man looks incredible! Great drawing , I really like the shading. Who is your favourite football player ? Football is great, it is one of my favourites too. Great blog post.

  3. Didn't know you did Taekwondo, that's super cool. Your post gave great personal insight while being casual and easy to view. I liked your drawing of Batman, The Arkham series is a wonderful series of games.

  4. Hi, Adam , great introduction, sport always helps in learning new skills and taekwondo is a great sport, I love it, wish you all the best in achieving your goals.

  5. Man I never knew you were into Taekwondo that's amazing! It's really cool to see you represented Ireland too :0, your introduction is great too, The Batman Arkham games man they were the best, Arkham Asylums gotta be my favourite, 10 or 11 year old me was ****ing himself walking into Killer Crocs lair the first time, and your art skills are really amazing, you must have done art at somepoint? Very impressive nonetheless, I recognised the Arkham City box art nonetheless instantly!

  6. Hey Adam
    Really like the introduction post. I knew that you did taekwondo but i dint know that you were at such a high level and representing Ireland fair play. Also where did these drawing skills come from. That is nuts compared to that drawing of a dog hahaha. For real though that drawing is class.
    The more you know hahaha

  7. ur a top baller and a good taekwondo athlete bro

  8. Hi Adam,

    Really interesting blog post, I found it thoroughly engaging and enjoyable. Would you care to discuss it further? Perhaps I can introduce you to this pretty cool new mobile game called Raid: Shadow Legends. Let me know if this is something that interests you.

    Kind regards,
    Kyle (Not sponsored or affiliated with RAID: Shadow Legends)

  9. Hey Adam,
    Taekwondo is a an unreal sport I used to do it till I got the head kicked off me, that's so cool you got to represent Ireland go you woop woop. When are we gonna see you in the Olympics?
    Also that batman drawing is unbelievable, love the dark shading and the small bit of red, looking forward to seeing you around campus!

  10. Hey Adam, It's good to see the way taekwondo taught you stuff in life such as discipline, and it's cool too see you being very passionate about the sport. I like your drawing, and I hope you keep going because you're very good at drawing. It's also cool that you play a variety of sports, I used to play back in primary and first few years of secondary but stopped because I got bored of it.

  11. Hey Adam, That's unreal that you represented Ireland in taekwondo, not going to lie I always thought they were all different names for karate lol. The batman drawing is amazing that you did by the way, its sometimes hard to believe how realistic someone can make a drawing look on paper with the correct colors and shading fair play mate

  12. Hi Adam it is very cool how you represented Ireland that is a great achievement! I also really like your drawing of Batman the shading is very good it looks very realistic and very cool.I'm also very into art and like drawing as well and like to draw and paint different pictures in my spare time. I also really like playing soccer in my spare time too it's great fun.


  13. Hey Adam !
    Really enjoyed reading your introduction and browsing through your blog and learning new things about you. I knew you did you taekwondo, that is so cool. I better not mess with you so 😳. The Batman drawing is unreal , that is talent !
    Anyways see you around campus.

  14. Hi Adam, it's so cool that your whole family do taekwondo, and so good that you've stuck it out for so long, I wouldn't be able haha!
    Amazing achievement to represent Ireland so congrats on that!
    That batman drawing is insane.
    Great getting to get to know you a bit more,
    See you around campus :)

  15. Hi Adam.

    Amazing introduction. I love reading how your hobbies shape you as a person. I never heard of taekwondo but it seems interesting. It's amazing that you have done tournaments too over in Germany. I do love art. I've done it in school and know we implement it into some of our modules in this course. Oh my god... your drawing is amazing... like it is... professional level. It looks 3D. Definitely keep it up. Lovely reading your article


  16. Hey Adam

    Learning so much about you even from just the pics and vids you're extremely talented just make sure I don't get on the bad side of your Tae Kwon Do moves. I also love your drawing of Batman reminds me of the cover of Arkham City and I would love to see more of your artwork you do in both college and in your free time

  17. Hey Adam

    This is a very good introduction post. That's really cool that you do Taekwondo and that you represented Ireland in Germany. I think your Batman drawing is really good just like all your other art that you have shown me in person. I love to draw as well and I think you are very good at it. Keep it up.

  18. Hello Adam,
    Wow what are your favourite movies Adam. Thats an awesome instgram. You are so talented!! Taekwondo is such a flex. I love your art. Do you have an instagram page for it?? The Batman drawing is so detailed DC should hire you. Wow look at those football skills Cristiano Ronaldo could never. Love the blog post and don’t forget to keep slaying!!!!

  19. Hey Adam. You have a fantastic introduction; you are a very interesting young man. The segment about Taekwondo is extremely interesting. Never would have guessed that from the first year online. It’s incredible that you have been able to achieve so much at such a young age (Making me self-conscious over here 😖) I know like you’re gonna achieve great things, not just in this course, but all aspects of life.
    Now go forth and conquer!!!


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