
 Week 07

Project Prototype

This week we will be starting the initial phase of our projects this is an exciting time but is also quite daunting to me, we've spent all this time thinking about how we are going to go about it and kind of forgot that we actually start it at some point and that time is now. I'm going to start with looking up assets for my game like dragon sprites and people that can be brought over from the unity assets store.

Unity Assets Store:

Toon Dragon $9.90

I think this is the perfect dragon sprite that fits the art style I'm going for in this project the only thing about this is that it costs $9.90 this isn't too bad but id prefer to make this project without spending too much money 
From the things that I've seen on this, the animations are just what I'm looking for in this and this would be my first option when it comes to finding a dragon design for the game.

The next big thing I need in terms of assets is a scene somewhere where the player can play and immerse themselves there's a couple of different scenes that I've seen so far that look good I think the best thing would be to mix multiple scenes to create one big environment for the player to see throughout the game.

this asset is something that I wanted to use simply because of the low poly room design and art style I coupled this with some other assets one of these would look great together, another thing that wanted to add was some trees around the city to make it more dense and busy, so downloaded a pack from the assets store with Scandinavian trees.

Starting the Project 01


The project is coming together nicely after bringing all these assets together to create this scene, I found it hard to customize things with colours and shaders but after watching tutorials on youtube this was easily learned. I intend for the city to be a repeating background, this should be no problem now that I know the code to carry this out but I'll have to take another look at the unity tutorial that taught us this you can check it out here: Lesson 3.2 - Make the World Whiz By - Unity Learn


The gameplay is starting off really simple for the moment I only have the main character dragon coded with a left and right mechanic. I didn't want the player moving off the map so I added a line of code stating that the player can't move any further than -21 when going to the right and 15 when moving to the left. The problem I had when writing this code was that I was coding it on the wrong axis and my character was disappearing but I eventually realized what was going wrong and it's all working now.

I'm having a lot of fun with this game at the moment but this is the stage of the project that is the easiest of the whole thing so I guarantee my opinion will be changing as it goes along, although I think this would be very satisfying to see the progression and the new challenges I face during this project


  1. Hey Adam
    This is a really good prototype and a really good game idea. I think you are already doing a great job with your set up, your graphics look really good and I look forward to seeing how it looks in the end. Best of luck with your game, it's already looking great.

  2. Hey Adam

    So far your game looks amazing I love how you created the village with all these building blocks and assets and the dragon design fits the toon like style so much. I can tell you put a lot of hard work into this project so far and I like where it is going. The game idea is amazing too and it is something I can see myself playing too. I can't wait to see where this game brings you in the future and I can not wait to see how it turns out, Best of luck for the rest of this semester- Luke

  3. Jeez you have all of this done and I have a box which moves left and right! It impresses me just how much you have done already, your doing really well. I wonder just for the sake of wondering, what will be the obstacles that will be in your way? Usually it's boxes but have you a medieval spin on this? If your stuck for idea's I'm sure you could find some idea's on the very same store you got the dragon asset from, or you could make your own!

  4. Hey Adam
    What you have so far is looking really good the models for the dragon look good and the buildings match the design of the dragon in terms of style. The use of the trees work really well as well to fill up a bit of the empty space. Looking forward to seeing how your game turns out.

  5. hi adam nah your game look too sick . with the dragon in play make it so much better and the tree in the area of the game make sense. I can't wait to see what your going to do next for the final end. keep up the good work and you will pass this semester very easy boss man.

  6. Hi Adam.

    I love the look of this game. Its so professional looking. I haven't gotten to that level in the tutorials but looking at what you've done has motivated me to find out. Did you download the dragon or have you accessed that from the tutorial? I wonder how you plan to make an endless 3d Subway Surfers-like game out of that. Cannot wait to see what the final game is like


  7. Hey Adam,

    OMG this game is looking unreal so far. Its clear you put so much effort into it. I know you had to pay for the asset's but it looks really good. You set the bar for all of us! This all really did make me say Wow! I had a look at your other post and I see you got the dragon to breathe fire even. I can not wait to see how you finish this game and to play it


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