Unity Tutorial 07
Week 08
Unity Tutorial 07
This week's unity tutorial was really interesting. In this tutorial, I learned how to make the middle of the screen the focal point and have the camera swivel around the player. I also learned how to move the platform and the player at the same time. Something else that was new in this tutorial was the introduction to the new bounce physics material, this was important in this exercise because it determines how far the enemy and the player get pushed when they collide with their rigid bodies.
The scene starts out with the player as the ball and you are playing on a flat pillar and the goal of the game is to stay on this pillar without getting knocked off of it, other enemy spheres are trying to knock the player off in the process.
In this tutorial, we learned how to get the ball to look and act like a ball with the bouncy material added to it by the sphere collider this way when the player hits an enemy they would bounce off each other like a ball in real life would.
Another thing we learned in this tutorial was the powerup mechanic, this was really cool to learn because I feel like I could use this in my game too. Once the player came into contact with the powerup in its game they get a boost in the power they have, when the enemy hits the player when this powerup is active they will get sent further.
We also learned how to make a timer for this powerup, because if the player had this ability for the entirety of the game that would be a bit unfair.
In order to show the player that they have a powerup in the game, we added a ring to signal that it's active. Once the timer is up the gold ring will disappear.
Overall this tutorial was really useful especially with the powerups I'll definitely consider using this powerup ability for my personal game.
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