Coming to the end of Doing
Week 23
Reading 11
We're coming to the end of process for the chapter in the book and these final weeks are all about refining the piece and fine tuning. Some of the things I want to have within the coming weeks is a full chapter with a propper start and end as well as provide a better information structure.
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My Chapter dives deep into social interactions in gaming, talking about Multiplayer co-op as well as how online gaming affects players in and outside of the game. Ill also be talking about co-op games with competitive teamwork or storylines that involve two people working as a team and how they can bring people together.
Do you ever wonder how Co-op Multiplayer and Co-op storylines affects the gamers of today? There are a lot of factors that go into gaming today and it affects the public in different ways Does this affect gamers self esteem? Does it promote teamwork? Lets talk about it.
Social interaction is becoming more important in recent years. Recent studies are showing that being associated with a group of people increases levels of self esteem. Doing something that you enjoy such as playing video games is great and doing it with others that have the same interests as you makes it even better. It's because of this similar interest that people can form friendships. There was a study that was conducted in 2017 by the 'Edge Hill University of York' found that MMO engagement led to a stronger sense of social identity and because of this they feel like their part of a society or a group this gives people a stronger affiliation with their people and in turn, "gave higher self-esteem and lowered levels of loneliness". To me, this is amazing and shows how much gaming in multiplayer settings can affect people for the good. Gaming with friends can also relieve stress or anxiety, having a bit of craic with your friends can help with taking your mind off things, this definitely helped me. Escape is one of the biggest aims of gaming so I feel like it would help a lot of people too.
Gaming can provide a rich environment for younger people to interact and build relationships. When people can work together and succeed, relationships or friendships are created. There can also be conflict if the team performs poorly. But at the end of the day teams work together and it's through that teamwork they are learning and bouncing off of each other. Conflict is a normal thing in teams and isn’t always a bad thing. Players can learn to respect each other and build from that argument. Communication is important, players voicing their side of the story or how they feel about things in the team setting can lead to better communication or having more open conversations. Being part of a team can do wonders for the people in the team, it gives them a sense of belonging. Studies have shown that people who are a part of a society or team have increased self-esteem, I believe this is the case because they feel like they’re a part of something and have found their people. Having a good leader is a game changer while having a leader who doesn’t care about the team or anyone on it can lead to arguments, fights and the team's downfall.
Having a game with two players can be really enjoyable and bring people together. There are now loads of Co-op games that are based around a good multiplayer story. Multiplayer campaigns are good because it takes you through a fun and cool experience with two or more friends, where players play through a journey where they both learn and feel like they experienced something great. Statistics show that multiplayer games are more popular than single player games in recent years. When companies make a Co-op game it is their goal for both players to have an equal importance, this is so crucial for a two player story game and really the make or break of the game, since one player isn’t getting engaged enough, they will lose interest and it will start to feel like a single player game with another player just being there. This goes with everything in the game for a co-op story game to be effective both players should be important, they should both be rewarded in game and how the game makes them feel, they should get their own time with their character, this would be good for both players experience because they have freedom with their own character and learn for themselves as well as having the other player to share the game with.
Develop a great storyline for a multiplayer online game (
Gaming has come on a lot in recent years and with games offering a more immersive experience with the game relying on the player to make more decisions impacts how the game is played. In an article on “Good Violence, Bad Violence” it was stated that “Games can be useful for encouraging ethical reflection in their players”. People like Sicart, Gibson, Zagal and Flanagan all agreed that “games can sometimes represent states of affairs as good or bad”. Some examples of games that bring this moral value into light would be the grand theft auto franchise, in this game players can choose to kill or not to kill, but at the end of the day killing is necessary for making money and progressing through the game. Where the choice comes in is killing for fun in GTA, where it's not needed but the player just wants to do it. Players who do this aren’t necessarily violent but for someone who doesn’t understand would think the person is of poor morals. Competition in gaming. In many online multiplayer games the player is taught to form strategy or skill to be better than the other player and when one player is more skilful the other that means that that player wins. Oftentimes in multiplayer games players aren’t always happy with the game, whether that’s the other players making them feel a certain way or the way they are performing in the game itself. These situations are known as raging, the morals of the person really determines how they react. In many cases the person who is agitated verbally abuses the other player in voice chat or people in the same home as them when playing local Co-op. Some games that make people feel this way would be Call of Duty, Fortnite or any other “Competitive” Multiplayer game. I believe this is because there are higher stakes. It's because of this that players can get bullied or become bullies in these online spaces.
Its clear that social intereaction in gaming is prominant and helps people with their mental health and self esteem because they feel like they're apart of a group or some sense of belonging. But there is also clearly another side to the coin where people can be bullied online and feel horrible about themselves because of other multiplayer gamers.
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