First Playable wk 10

Week 22

First Playable

This week I was bringing in multiple different ways to make the project sharper
This project is coming to its final weeks and there's one thing im worried about, the textures not showing up in the scene. I've looked all over youtube and tried everything and nothing showed up, at first I thought it was the textures, but I realized it wasn't the case when I tried other textures and assets. Im planning to bring this up with my lecturer during the refinement week.

Separating my Planets into different categories makes organizing my scene so much easier. It makes adding text easier to find as well as makes the project look better when working on it, wish I did this sooner.

This week is based all on adding info text for each planet and the sun, I want to make these interactive so that the player can click dismiss and bring up the information again.


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