Project Progress: Alpha wk 11

Week 23


This week for my project is all about refining things for my game, some things that I want to work on is the text and facts that the user will come accross. There are some things that are displayed wrong in my opinion with the text fields, On these text boxes i have a transparent glass behind the glass to make it easier to differentiate between the sky box and the text. This works really well but when I finished all the text boxes I realised that the text overflows the transparent panel 

I also added a slight tilt on the panel to make it easier for the viewer to see the information on the panel for better UI, I didn't want the infromation to be directly vertical and beside the planet because this would make it harder for the player to read, this would mean that i'd have to make the panel larger to see making the scene more cluttered, so i thought it better to have it smaller and more consise as a small table infront of the user. 
Something that inspired me with this design was the museums with screans of information built in on the table, some other museums utilise ipads to make for more portible and modern, I think with my way of doing it looks modern and practicle at the same time.

In the making of these information panels i started with making the transparent panel first then added two text mesh pro boxes, one for the title and one for the info text. Once these were added i tilted the panel so it would be a comfortable viewing angle for users.
Something that I do want to add in the next couple days before submission would be finishing it off with some music to suit the theme of exploration.
I also want to push for finding an answer for the textures loading last minute too but if that wont work the players will have to rely on the power of imagination.


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