Games GDD

Week 06 Games GDD What is a game design document? Game Design Documents are made to structure your game so you yourself and the others viewing the document can understand the ins and outs of how the game is going to be. The great thing about game design documents is that it helps you with structuring your game ideas so that you have it clear on what you want to do with the idea. Game design documents only work when the document is formatted properly and use the right concept template. Here are some other reasons why having a game design document is very useful: Memory aid: When a group of people or even just one person is making a game there is a lot of information to keep track of and so much material to cover, from mechanics of the game to settings and the things that happen in the story of the game and overall lore. These documents cover all the details for these people to come back to Communication tool: Since your bringing this game document to people who are goin...