VR Project Project Progress

Week 20 VR Project Progress This week I've completed a game design document on how I envision my game and what it should look like. I learned that there is a load of things that go into game making, I forgot that there was so much thought that goes into building a game and really fleshing out all of the parts that make the game what it is. I really enjoyed exploring ideas for this game, letting the imagination go free is fun and interesting, there are so many ways you can go with an idea or a concept. One thing I found difficult when coming up with ideas was when I started to ask myself questions about how I would bring this idea to life, I would find it really easy to come up with a concept but when I started thinking about how I could bring it to a unity project I would see cracks and things I would have to work around that would make the project unrealistic or unreachable for my skillset. https://www.dundoc.com/project/8095