
Showing posts from November, 2021

Twitter Lists

 Week 10 Twitter Lists I think this list would be useful to my classmates because it's a space where we can see each other tweets a lot easier this way we won't have anything swamping out tweets like spam from Leo. Here is the link ill see yous there @Elder_Scr0lls/Elders CDM ting / Twitter

Game Stories

 Week 10 Game Stories This week is on the topic of stories in gaming, A good story in a game can be one of its defining factors and will make its players recognize and remember it for years. A good story with a satisfying ending can leave a great impression on the player and if there are going to be sequel games it's going to make them want to buy the next game more, this is because of the performance from the last one. Having a good story can also engage the player and they will ender a flow state where they are hooked and want to know more about the game, this will keep them playing or even have them play the game start to finish multiple times. If the game is single-player there is a big pressure to make it good because it's the story that's driving the whole game. It needs to have a good story in order to sell copies. One of the most popular ways of storytelling is the interactive narrative. This is so popular because the player gets a say on how they play the game, mos...


 Week 09 Project Alpha It is coming up to the final weeks of the project and I have to say that I am making decent progress, this week I mainly tied up some loose ends with my game such as making the enemies this week spawn randomly others would be: Giving grid boundaries so that the enemies spawn within the play area. Making Box Colliders to each the enemies as well as the player character and the fireballs. Arranging the dragon and fireball prefabs in my game. Creating random spawn generation for the dragon enemies. Box Colliders This was really confusing for me throughout this week's work because I couldn't find why they weren't showing and then I found out that I didn't have the button "Box Editor" selected, I wasted so much time trying to find out what was wrong with it. When they were showing up they weren't following the player, but again I was looking at the one in the hierarchy but the prefab one was. I added a destroy-on collision rule so that wh...

Unity Tutorial 08

Week 09 Unity Tutorial 08 This tutorial was really helpful and was a handy little test. In this tutorial, we learned how to make more enemies spawn in waves and have them slowly rise in numbers using the values "SpawnEnemyWave" this spawns another wave of enemies with an extra enemy when all the enemies from the previous round have fallen off the platform. This code is what's used to make the enemies spawn each round with an extra enemy. I also added in an if statement for the powerup too, this would make a powerup spawn every round in tandem with the enemies. This makes it a fun experience for the player because as the rounds got harder they're going to need more powerups to compete with the level of gameplay.  Something useful that I learned today was incrementing the (++) operator, this allowed for the powerup to be spawned every round when it finished, this is a very useful technique that I feel could be very important to my future projects. This factor is what ma...

Review Week Comments and Feedback

 Week 09 Comments and Feedback  Over the weeks during this module, we've had tasks for giving feedback on people's blogs. This is to encourage modifications to projects and provide some sort of direction or guidance to fellow classmates.  Feedback in: I find the feedback that I've been getting really useful in the process of my project and my work overall, I think these comments really highlight some questions that I need to ask myself during my project. I think these feedback comments help rationalize what I'm doing and find out if I'm doing it right or not, They were a big help, and thank you to all who commented. Feedback out: I think the feedback that I gave it is the best I could do id like to think that I gave people good feedback that could help them out at some point during the process of this module, I learned so much about different feedback strategies such as the WWW method, this was really helpful fr creating structured feedback that is both clear to rea...

Reading and Writing

Week 09 Reading and Writing Looking Back Looking back at the reading tasks we've done over this semester it is safe to say I learned a lot more about the structure of games than I thought, I thought I knew loads about them already until this course. When I play a game nowadays I apply criteria I've learned to analyze the game I'm playing and what makes it work, Im even watching videos on youtube videos about this and the theory behind games. One of the readings that fascinated me was the "games MDA" topic, the thing that made this interesting to me is the fact that it's in every game ever made, and it's the core topic that the designers have to think about when making their game. This analysis technique really helps break down the game and you can learn more from it even more so than if you didn't apply it. By using this technique you can learn more from video games than you ever thought you would. There was this other article where I learned about the...

First Playable

 Week 08 First Playable This week, the work with my project had its ups and downs, I had a bit of trouble with the assets where I kept deleting the different prefab folders and this made my entire scene disappear and it was a huge shock, I thought I wasn't able to get it back but I went onto the unity assets page and was able to import it again, I was so relieved you don't even know.  Other than that things were going good this week The two main things I did this week were: Moving Background: I managed to get the background city to repeat itself to give the illusion of the player on an endless level. It took a couple of tries before I could get the transition perfect but I got there in the end.  I had it so that the whole scene would move towards the player and then it would slingshot back to the start looking like this. It was surprisingly easy, there wasn't a lot of code that went into it.  Fire-Ball Projectiles: I added a sphere shape to the front of the dragon ch...

Unity Tutorial 07

 Week 08 Unity Tutorial 07 This week's unity tutorial was really interesting. In this tutorial, I learned how to make the middle of the screen the focal point and have the camera swivel around the player. I also learned how to move the platform and the player at the same time. Something else that was new in this tutorial was the introduction to the new bounce physics material, this was important in this exercise because it determines how far the enemy and the player get pushed when they collide with their rigid bodies.  The scene starts out with the player as the ball and you are playing on a flat pillar and the goal of the game is to stay on this pillar without getting knocked off of it, other enemy spheres are trying to knock the player off in the process.  In this tutorial, we learned how to get the ball to look and act like a ball with the bouncy material added to it by the sphere collider this way when the player hits an enemy they would bounce off each other like a ...


 Week 07 Project Prototype This week we will be starting the initial phase of our projects this is an exciting time but is also quite daunting to me, we've spent all this time thinking about how we are going to go about it and kind of forgot that we actually start it at some point and that time is now. I'm going to start with looking up assets for my game like dragon sprites and people that can be brought over from the unity assets store. Unity Assets Store: Toon Dragon $9.90 I think this is the perfect dragon sprite that fits the art style I'm going for in this project the only thing about this is that it costs $9.90 this isn't too bad but id prefer to make this project without spending too much money  From the things that I've seen on this, the animations are just what I'm looking for in this and this would be my first option when it comes to finding a dragon design for the game. The next big thing I need in terms of assets is a scene somewhere where the playe...

Game Fun

 Week 08 What is Fun in Gaming Fun is something that is very powerful in video games and it has been a very common component that a lot of game studios over the years, Most people see gaming as a way to escape stress and get away from it all, they want to relax and immerse themselves and most importantly have fun. When a player is having fun they will come back to the game and will play it again to experience the feeling of joy, happiness, and that sense of engagement. There was a guy who wrote a popular book on the theory of fun his name was Raph Koster said that "the fun of the game comes from its rich possibility to get better at it and offers a space for learning" Most games perceive fun in a challenging way, if there isn't something positively stimulating someone they ain't going to enjoy it as much. If there's a challenge and the player can beat it feeling accomplished afterward then they are going to feel good this is what's going to make the game more ...

Unity Tutorial 06

  Week 07 Unity Tutorial 06 This week's unity work was very animation-based and had loads of new information when it comes to bringing the character to life in the game this would be really important to us when we start our game. I found the animations to be easier than I thought at it was actually really fun following along with the tutorials in this exercise.  Lesson 3.3 Don't just stand there (Animation) The graph above is the animation view this is where you can see all of the actions going on in this animation tree. From this tree, you could click on each of the animations and see how they work, and edit them to better fit what you're looking for in your project. In this window, you are able to make small changes to the animation as well as preview what it looks like. In this view, it's also possible to see the conditions, from this info box you can make sure the code that you put into your script is correct. I now have a better understanding of how the components ...

Game Decisions

 Week 07 Game Decisions This week's topic is on the flow theory with games. Flow is really important to create an engaging game for the audience to optimize replayability and fun. What is Flow? Flow is a psychological theory that we can adapt to our game to create challenges that are both engaging and matched to the player's skill level this will help the players stay interested in the game that they are playing. Games can be better suited to people with theories or aspects that are similar to human psychology rather than having the player just winging it and having no clue or thought behind the game. Flow is a very important aspect of gaming in today's generation and its key for all game creators to have an understanding of how Flow works A simple way of how works on the most basic way are: Present the player with a challenge The player then completes this challenge Maintain the flow state This is important that the player maintains the flows state because its what's g...

Unity Tutorial 05

 Week 06 Unity Tutorial 05 This week the unity tutorial was very tedious I spent so long on this week one and this was because of the number of small mistakes I made. Most of these mistakes we made through spelling mistakes and missing inputs. I think that this tutorial was really helpful in showing me how to make a background that can repeat itself, I think this would make my life a whole lot easier when making my game, since its an endless runner ill need to incorporate something like this to make the land seem like its way longer and reduce issues with rendering the lands. This task showed me that my script communication skills need a lot more improvement, If I don't work on it these tutorials and eventually my project will be long and exhausting when they should need to be.  Something that really helped me was using the console to locate the errors, usually, I don't look at it or pay any attention to it. This is something I should have started using a long time ago. The pr...

Game Design Document

 Week 06 Game Design Document This weeks project task was designing our own Game Design Document it was an interesting task I thought it was insightful and helpful in understanding more about the process and about how my game works, It was relatively easy to learn because the template was such a great guide. Here is the link to my GDD enjoy :]